HomeAlone Pet Double-sided Alert Card Free to reprint

Click here; HomeAlone Pet Cards with copyright

We are happy for you to download and use this card for your own personal or pet group use.

We do not mind if you alter the details on the back of the card to reflect your pet’s own needs, but we ask that you leave the front image untouched. The image is deliberately plain, in black and white-literally, so that it doesn’t matter if the person finding the card can read or speak English-the image says it all.

The image also matches the HomeAlone Pet Poster(available for download early next week- http://tinyurl.com/ybyxnnwl); so we would like to keep continuity to allow for fast identification of our program to raise awareness of the animal and owner advocacy issue.

If you would like to commercially order copies of this card-we have left the image with Kwik Print-Wollongong branch to allow users access to our artwork for free. You do however have to pay Kwik Print for whatever cards you order.

Our card is suitable for the pet or house-sitter who moves from property to property and is often alone. Our card is also useful for the owner who is alone but has a supportive group around them. For the truly alone owner, we recommend that you consider the NSW Trustee and Guardian( T.A.G.) card as that gives your pet a legal voice in your absence. The details for the NSW government T.A.G card can be found at http://ava.informz.net/ava/data/images/TAG-Pet-Emergency-card-brochure.pdf.

In late 2017, the AVA is assisting us with our lobbying to encourage other State governments to follow the NSW lead and produce similar TAG card systems in each part of Australia thus giving a voice to the needs of the home alone pet.